We are very glad to introduce the Assppaa-Isbors® software-driven and PSM-MSDSW® business model; a novel, robust, intelligent, attractive, disruptive and addictive software solution and business model, which is built around teacher-students classroom engagements and activities, and powers the evidence-based and market-driven business processes that have effectively combined features in Fintech & Financial inclusion, E-commerce & Trade, Social Media & Entertainment, Marketing & Advertising, Telecommunication, Media & Technology, to build a new and untapped market ecosystem in Nigeria and across Africa. The Science Teachers’ Championships (STC) driven by the Assppaa-Isbors® software solutions and PSM-MSDSW® business model is the novel Pilot Phase of a tech-driven systemic approach to solving the numerous education challenges and job creation crisis in Nigeria and Africa.
The STC platform promises unprecedented positive impacts on the Nigerian education system and the economy. The promoters of STC would continue to seek the unalloyed supports of school managers, teachers, students, parents, and all stakeholders in the Nigerian education sector. Please, sit back and relax, as we unravel the secrets and solutions behind the Nigerian educational challenges, through series of fun-filled and entertaining episodes on STC digital platforms and national television screens across the country.
Thank You!
The entire members of the Nigerian teaching workforce, both in private and public schools and institutions are not always happy, which results to gross unproductivity and gaps in the education value chains, because of the following SIX reasons;
We created several categories of disruptive national digital leader boards with below listed addictive Features. These features of the leader boards are the reasons why teachers, students, school managers and parents keep coming back to the STC platform on daily basis, because these features are directly connected to their classroom and personal needs and expectations.
There are millions of job opportunities in Nigeria, but our school system does not produce the right skills that the industries need. Besides, the education value chain in Nigeria is currently performing below capacity. The knowledge industry is the biggest industry of any nation and it keeps expanding, as humans continue to search for solutions to myriad of problems facing mankind. Our primary, secondary and tertiary institutions are all under-staffed. The students to teacher ratios across all levels of education are alarming. The Assppaa-Isbors® software and PSM-MSDSW® driven business model, which powers the Science Teachers’ Championships (STC) is a tech-solution built purposefully to bridge the huge gaps between the academia and skills requirements across the Nigerian economic and industrial value chains, thereby making our teaming graduating youths employable, either by industries or by self-employment, which subsequently creates millions of new jobs while straightening existing ones. In terms of Job Creation, the STC platform at this implementation phase, will start by creating hundreds of thousands of new teaching jobs in the secondary schools across public and private schools in Nigeria.
The Assppaa-Isbors® software and PSM-MSDSW® driven business model is a novel, robust, intelligent, disruptive and addictive software, which drives the evidence-based and market-driven business processes that have effectively combined features in Fintech & Financial inclusion, E-commerce & Trade, Social Media & Entertainment, Marketing & Advertising, Telecommunication, Media & Technology, to build a new, interesting and attractive market ecosystem around teacher-students classroom activities and engagements. This is a new niche market. The market size is very large. The PSM-MSDSW® Business Model is built around the Commercial, CSR and Branding needs of the Telcos, ISPs, Commercial Banks, HMOs, PenComs, Media Agencies, Advertising, E-commerce, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, the Entertainment industry, etc. Major private sector players would definitely be attracted to this new market ecosystem.
As we the launch of the STC platform, it will provoke Unprecedented and Actionable public discussions on science education, the health care sector, and other science dependent everyday activities in Nigeria. The entire science community in Nigeria, would receive the STC platform with great excitements. The importance of quality, effective and stronger science education institutions (SDG16) on the Nigeria healthcare sector with respect to Covid-19, Laser Fever and other healthcare issues (SDG3) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are very key focus areas that our STC platform will provoke public discussions on, so as to be able to effectively impact on the society.
Achieving SDGs 1, 3,4,5,8,9,10,16,17 on One Digital Platform; The Assppaa-Isbors® software and PSM-MSDSW® driven business model, creates Stronger Science Education Institutions and Systems (SDG16) that rely on multiples of effective Public and Private sector Partnerships (SDG17), but built around classroom teachers- students' activities and engagements, that supports quality, and affordable healthcare delivery nationwide (SDGs3). The PSM –MSDSW® features make teachers to earn more money, more respect, better motivation and social recognition, as well as creating millions of new and gainful jobs in the education value chains, thereby reducing Hunger (SDG1). Teachers and everyone would begin to see the teaching profession and work as Decent and major contributors to national Economic Growth (SDG8). The PSM-MSDSW® connects to all the teachers-student's classroom engagements on daily basis and across the country and produces Quality teachers through digitalized in-service training, who then offer Quality Education to the students (SDG4) of all Genders (SDG5), who turn out to be quality doctors, pharmacists, engineers etc,(SDG3) The graduating students are equipped with relevant skills that make them employable by the Industries and as well as making them to become more Innovative and self-reliant (SDG9), thereby enhancing further job creation. The composite result of these, is that Inequalities among the people and nations are effectively reduced (SDG10).
Interestingly, the above processes are effectively funded by the private sector businesses, who as well derive, commercial, branding and CSR benefits from active participation on the STC platform. Herein, the private sector gets actively involved in education funding and development, thereby removing a good chunk of the burden from government shoulders.
The Assppaa-Isbors® software-driven and PSM-MSDSW® powered Business Model is carefully designed to interwoven with the objectives and mandates of the Federal and State Governments’ Ministries, Departments and Agencies(MDAs) in Nigeria as listed below, while undoubtedly having same effects in other nations of world, especially West African countries.
We are here to initiate and sustain this process which aims to enhance the self esteem of the African teacher, so that he or she can earn as much as, and even better than other professionals in Banking, Oil and Gas, telecommunication and other blue chip companies in Africa.