Science Teachers’ Championships –STC is an innovative platform that is software and technology driven, wherein science teachers and students across public and private secondary schools in Nigeria are connected, engaged and allowed to showcase their science experiments and academic skills.
Science Teachers’ Championships takes science teachers and students through their normal academic syllabuses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, as covered by WAEC, NECO and Ministry of Education. The Championships makes it easier , fun and entertaining for teachers to seamlessly cover their expected workload in due time, while also enjoying the numerous benefits of the Championships.
The Science Teachers’ Championships is designed to make the teaching, learning and reporting of core sciences easier, fun and entertaining. The Championships puts more money into the pockets of teachers and even students as well, and motivates these teachers to engage the students with greater passion in the course of teaching and learning of the core sciences.
STEM means, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is the bedrock for economic and technological advancements of any nation. The Science Teachers’ Championships – STC programs and initiatives supports the fundamentals of STEM. Young teachers and students across secondary schools in Nigeria are motivated to take up STEM careers through the Science Teachers’ Championships.
Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics teachers and their students in SS1, SS2, and SS3 are qualified to participate in the Science Teachers’ Championships.
No, registration and participation is Free for all science teachers and students.
Yes, science teachers should inform their school Principals/Heads, and parents to the students before registration to play and participate in the Science Teachers’ Championships.
School Principals and Heads are very important to STC, because they would help to provide good working conditions for both the teachers and students, who are participating on the STC platform. If they are aware of the teachers and students to participate in the Championships, and they show great interests in it as well, the work of the teachers and students become very easy and their participation become more effective and result oriented.
Parents are very important to STC , because parents’ phone numbers and emails of parents are linked to the STG portal, the students can only start playing the Championships when their Daddy’s or Mummy’s or siblings or guardian’s phone numbers and emails are added to the teachers’ dashboard. This process makes the Science Teachers’ Championships more interesting . The school managers, students , teachers , parents, and senior siblings of the students , are all connected to STC
The school manager or principal, or head teacher of your school registers the school on the STC platform, and generates a Unique School Code. The teacher collects this Code and registers himself or herself with it. Get your email ID ready, which should serve as your Username, choose the Password you plan to use, go to , look at the top right side, click on Register, fill the Form and Submit, you are registered.
Go to , look at the top right side, click on Login, type in your Username and Password, and click on Login, to view your Dashboard.
Go to , click on Login, type in your Username, which is your email ID, click on Forget Password, a password reset link would be sent to your email. Go to your email, and reset your password.
Normally, you should not forget your Username, because your Username is the same as your email ID. But in case you can’t remember which email ID that you used in registering, call 08022738999 or send an email to, you will be assisted in identifying the correct email ID.
Read through all the instructions showing on your Dashboard, so that you understand how the STC portal works. Without reading these instructions, it would be difficult for you to proceed to the next stage on the portal.
Click on your name showing at the top right side of your dashboard, click on Profile, and upload your photo and update other information as requested in the profile page.
Click on the Student menu showing at the top left side of your dashboard, select any class of SS1, SS2 or SS3, read very well, the detailed instructions on How to Register Your Students. Without reading these instructions and understanding them very well, it will be difficult for you to proceed, because you need to add your students before you can participate in the Championships.
The essence of phone and email is for the student to receive his or her Username and Password, and for the student to receive alerts when science practicals are carried out and certain activities are expected of the students, that is all. The teacher who wishes to participate on STC platform, would first need to get approval from his or her school Principal or Head. Once this approval is gotten and the school Principal or Head is interested in allowing the students participate in the Championships, the enabling environment would be provided by the school management for effective participation of both teachers and students. Teachers should use the phone numbers and emails of students’ parents to register such students who live in the dormitory. These parents will receive the respective students’ Usernames and Passwords sent their phones and emails, and parents should give same back to the students. Students would now write down their Usernames and Password on a jotter, and make use of them when the need arises.
Because the school Principal or Head is aware of the teachers and students participation in the Championships and has approved it, he or she would provide internet access purposefully for this Championships.
Students that come from home, should provide the phone numbers and email addresses of their parents, or senior sisters and brothers , whom they are close to, so that at any moment, a phone or email alert comes, these people will inform the students.
Teachers with the support of their school Principals and Heads, can arrange internet access within the school, so that such students can have access to the internet to perform activities as maybe required.
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The next is to plan the science experiments that you would like to perform with your students. Go to Schedule Practical menu on your Dashboard, click on it. Take a small time to read the detail instructions on How It Works. Then Schedule your practical, at least 2 days (48 hours) before the Start date. That is, if you are making the schedule on a Monday for instance, you MUST choose to carry out the Practical the following Wednesday or more days ahead.
When you start making the Practical Schedule, it has 4 steps, please follow the steps until you get to Finish.
When you think that you have scheduled the practical, but you click on the Schedule Practical menu and see Continue Schedule, this means that you have not completed the schedule. Click on the Continue Schedule and follow the few steps ahead, to complete the schedule.
Yes, a teacher can schedule as many practicals as his or her workload permits. If the teacher is engaging all the classes of SS1, SS2 and SS3, he or she can schedule all the practicals per class, per academic term or per week, or per month. But the teacher can only do and submit ONE practical / experiment per day.
Two days after, Click on the START button on the Practical that you have scheduled, and view the Practical Worksheet. Here you will see how the Practical or experiment that you plan to carry out would be reported on STC platform. Once you are aware of this reporting procedures, you can now go ahead and carry out the practical.
Get your Smart phone ready, so that you can take videos of the students while performing the experiment. You can also use your laptop video features to take the videos. Set up your experiment, carry it out with the students, take your videos. You can get some to help you take the videos, while you engage the students in the practical session. You can Login to your dashboard, and fill and upload your videos immediately after the experiment, or at a later time, when you are less busy.
Not too long a video! A 1 or 2 minutes video showing the students performing practical is fine
Go to your dashboard, click on Schedule Practical, click on START, fill your Practical Worksheet, upload your videos and Upload or Submit your practical
Go to your dashboard, click on Schedule Practical, click on START, view the Practical Worksheet, look at the left side and see instructions on how to upload your videos on the STC portal.
When you upload or submit your practical to the STC portal, you will wait for a while (within 24 hours) , the STC Expert Teacher, would look at your practical and appraise the work done. If the practical is of required STC standard, the practical is graded and Teacher Basic Points are awarded to the teacher. But if the practical is defective, especially if the video is not showing at all, or not showing clearly, the STC Expert Teacher rejects the practical and reasons for rejections are given.
If the practical is rejected, you will get an SMS alert on your phone and or a message on your email, notifying you of the rejection. When you visit your dashboard, you will see reasons why the practical was rejected. You may make corrections, depending on the reasons given for rejection, and re-upload the same practical for a second time.
The instructions on how to re-submit a rejected practical is shown on the appropriate menu on your dashboard.
If your submitted practical is accepted and approved, you will get an SMS alert on your phone, and or a message on your email, notifying you about the approval and displaying your Teacher Basic Points awarded to you by STC Expert Teacher. All the students who attended the practical class will also be notified through SMS to their phones and emails ( parents, sisters or brothers’ phone and emails as provided ) and they will be directed to go to their respective dashboards and perform ONE main function; Answer Test Questions related to the practical topic. The students have 24 hours from the time the practical is approved, to respond to these Test Questions. After the 24 hours, the students are time out
From the time the practical is approved and SMS and messages sent out to both teachers and students, the students have 24 hours to visit their dashboards and respond to test questions and questionnaires. After 24 hours, both test questions would no longer be available on the students’ dashboards.
35. Once the student signs in to answer the test questions, and once he or she starts, he or she has only 2 minutes to answer 10 Objective Questions related to the practical topic that is approved. Note that this timing can adjusted from time to time without notice to the students.
New teachers on the STC portal, should master their dashboards very well, and also coach their students on how to use the students’ dashboards effectively. A teacher should talk to a student and make the student Login to his or her dashboard, so that collectively, all the students with the assistance of their teacher would study and learn how to make effective use of their respective dashboards.
(a) The student goes to his or her dashboard to view, and watch the experiment videos of the
practicals performed
(b) The student goes to his or her dashboard to take a second look at the entire experiment,
refreshes his or her minds on the step-by-step procedures, observations, precautions, safety measures,
and Teacher’s Notes.
(c) The student goes to his or her dashboard, when any practical is approved, and there could
became an immediate need for the student to answer test questions.
Teacher Basic Points (TBPs) are scores awarded to and received by a teacher when the practical he or she submitted to the STC portal is approved by the STC Expert Teacher, plus scores awarded to and received by the teacher when his students answer Test Questions. Teachers’ Re-training Test Questions- RTQ also make contributions to the Teacher Basic Points.
These points are used to determine high performing teachers. The points are used to determine the monthly Best Science Subject Teachers, that is Best Biology Teacher, Best Chemistry Teacher, Best Physics Teacher and Best Mathematics Teacher per month. The points are also used to shortlist teachers who will participate in the STC Reality Television Show at the end of each academic season.
A teacher gets more Teacher Basic Points, if he does the following;
(a) If he or she presents in details, the step-by-step procedures of setting up the science
(b) If he or she observes and gives details of the precautions and safety measures undertaken
during the experiment
(c) If he or she maintains a high Student-Apparatus ratio. The teacher can achieve this by ensuring
as much as he or she can, that the students are assigned materials and apparatus on individual basis, or
in groups of 2, 3 or 4 students per experiment set-up.
(d) If he or she presents a sound Teacher’s Note about the practical.
(e) If he or she takes clear videos of the experiment, showing the students actively engaging in the
practical, and showing clearly, the number of students doing the practical, and the faces of the students.
(f) If he or she provides enabling environment that makes more of his or her students to undertake
relevant activities on their students’ dashboard, each time a new practical is approved.
(g) If he or she schedules and performs more practicals with the students across all the classes of
SS1, SS2 and SS3.
(h) If he or she participates actively on the monthly Teacher Re-training Tests Questions -RTQ
Student Basic Points (SBPs) are scores awarded to and received by a student, when the student answers Test Questions displayed on his dashboard.
These points are used to determine high performing students. The points are used to determine the monthly Best Science Subject Students, that is Best Biology Students, Best Chemistry Students, Best Physics Students and Best Mathematics Teacher per month. The points are also used to shortlist students who will participate in the STC Reality Television Show at the end of each academic season.
The student gets more Student Basic Points if he does the following;
(a) If he or she listens and participates actively during the science practical class
(b) If he or she attends all the practical classes without missing anyone of them
(c) If he or she studies hard, reviews the practical details posted to his or her dashboard, before
the practical is approved, so that he or she would be able to answer test questions relating to the
(d) If he or she is fast enough in answering the test questions correctly, because the student has
only 2 minutes to answer 10 questions.
(e) If he or she participates actively in the weekly and monthly online STC quiz and other
associated programs in the Championships.
All teachers who participate in STC would receive and accumulate Teacher Basic Points, as well as receive different sums of monies.
has an account with another bank Fidelity Bank is the official bank to STG, all teachers who participate in this Championships, will receive their payments through their Fidelity Bank Savings Accounts.
MrLabss is the promoter of the Science Teachers’ Championships. The company is adding great value to the teaching and learning of the sciences and the motivation and empowerment of science teachers and students across Nigeria. The company sells and distributes best quality science materials and products at unimaginable low prices. If any school buys from MrLabss, the first time, the school will keep buying from MrLabss and would continue to even refer other schools to buy from MrLabss, because Mr.Labss offers various mouth- watering benefits to its customers. Whatever products and at whatever prices you get any products within your communities, MrLabss would offer you better quality products and at lower prices. Teachers who refer other schools to buy from Mr.Labss are also receiving sales commissions.
Over 1,132 variety of products are required for the study of sciences, and as such no school in Nigeria could comfortably claim to have acquired all the needed materials. And even if your school have much of these products, there may still be need for your school to source and buy certain materials that maybe listed by WAEC and NECO during SS3 final year science practical examinations . Some of the products are breakables or may have worn out, and would surely need replacement. If teachers strive to conduct real science practicals across all subject topics, and avoid theory of practicals or alternative to practicals, school managers would begin to realize that their school science laboratories do not actually have sufficient materials and in the right quantities to take teachers and students through these practical sections.
It is not compulsory that every science teacher should register and participate in STC, but it is very important that every teachers participates actively, because the STC model makes the teaching and learning of science more fun, interesting and engaging than ever before.
The benefits teachers get from participating in STC are many, namely:
(a) Teachers and students get appreciated by the viewing public who check online and on
televisions to see outstanding teachers
(b) The STC Model allows teachers to be adequately guided and re-trained at no cost to both the
teachers and their employer schools. Teachers are supervised online while having fun engaging with
their students.
(c) Teachers have the opportunity to earn extra monies on the STC portal while also having a good
time with their students.
(d) Teaching becomes more competitive than ever before, as school owners and managers begin to
appreciate the efforts and skills of their teachers
(e) Teachers begin to surface as TV Stars and celebrities, as their works, efforts and skills are
highlighted on the several media platforms, including television, social media, newspapers and radios.
(f) Teachers on the STC platform are better motivated, earn more money and live improved
family style.
(g) Teachers efforts are now measurable both qualitatively and quantitatively, and as such, more
performing teachers are better rewarded and appreciated.
Yes, teachers on the STG portal earn extra monies each time they upload quality science classroom contents on the STC platform.
There is no limit to the amount of money a teacher can earn on the STG portal. Several business structures are enhanced by the STC Model, and these structures support teachers to earn as much money as they work for.
Teachers who earn monies on the STG portal, receive their payments through their Savings Accounts with Fidelity Bank.
Teachers earn monies and would receive their payments within 24 hours of approving their monies and posting same on their E-wallets.
Using the portal, both teachers and students may encounter below challenges:
(b) Internet Connection, poor or slow internet connection would affect the otherwise smooth
operations of the portal
(c) The browser type may also affect the loading of the portal pages, therefore Chrome browser is
recommended for a better and smoother browsing experience.
(d) Use of Android phones is fine, but laptops and desktops with good and fast internet connection
are more comfortable and give better browsing experience.
(e) Not being able to read through all the necessary instructions and follow the steps as specified in
the instructions would hinder the ability of teachers and students to effectively make use of the portal.